02 Sep Interview with Rob Cotter
I've always been a huge fan of velomobiles and covered the ELF a while back and got in touch with Rob and was chatting with him and basically convinced him to record this interview with me. ...
I've always been a huge fan of velomobiles and covered the ELF a while back and got in touch with Rob and was chatting with him and basically convinced him to record this interview with me. ...
This week's episode of The Friday Nooner may get a little magical, as Pete and Joe sit down to chat with the creator of ELFs. And that's not a misspelling! Join us on Friday to hear from Rob Cotter, the CEO of Organic Transit and...
Don’t be skeptical of magic just yet because an ELF just reappeared out of seemingly thin air and has the potential to (help) save the planet. ELF—which stands for Electric, Light, and Fun—was the world’s first commercially available solar/pedal hybrid vehicle, all of which were hand-built...
This is not just ANY trip in a car or plane. Judy is taking this...
“I get here without working up a sweat,” Carey said. “It's about 22 miles each way and it feels like I went about half that distance on a regular bike.” by Jane Footh, WWU Office of Communications and Marketing Intern Photo credit: Kit Hipple WWU Web Developer Brent...
Rob Cotter dreamed up the ELF while working as a consultant for New York City’s CitiBike bikeshare system. “It dawned on me that if New York City is putting in 300 miles of bike trails then there’s a market for a different kind of bike,”...
We're delighted to feature a condensed ELF Testimonial by Marvin Glenn. I’m very pleased with my ELF, which has now logged over 2,000 miles in a variety of conditions. My primary purpose for buying it was to help me stay physically fit during my sunset years....
Duke’s newest catalog, If You Think You Know Durham...
Check out the latest Impakter interview and read about Rob Cotter's vision for a safe, healthy, and sustainable future....
Beautiful Thanksgiving story about a family that is struggling but still counting their blessings. And one of those blessings is an ELF....
Read about the NC Dept of Commerce's clever ad campaign to attract Amazon's HQ to NC. OT is thrilled to share honors with the likes of the Wright Brothers! by Rick Smith — November 14, 2017 http://bit.ly/2Ggjdaq When Jeff Bezos catches Uber/Lyft or rides his bike to work at Amazon’s...
The LEVA E-Bike Technician Training course was developed for LEVA by our CTO, Dr. Don Gerhardt. Course dates include: October 26-27, 2017 in Danville, VA and November 18-19, 2017 in Fort Myers, FL. ...
Organic Transit is teaming up with the University of Washington-Bothell on an Amazon-funded project to produce an autonomous ELF - potentially for deliveries and house calls!...
So on a nice Sunday morning here in Sacramento we decided to take it easy and just ELF around a little bit! Because frankly- Why not? To take some of the mystery out...
Get a look at our first ELF Meet-Up in Durham, NC. ELF owners and enthusiast came out across the Triangle to learn more about and fellowship with our growing community. [SlideDeck2 id=2151] ...
I have had my Elf for 7 months now. I had been riding a bike in DC for almost 30 years - its a great city to ride in and during my time here in DC I have explored just about every section of the...